Entries in chicks (3)


This Years Eagle Nest.

On Friday I headed out to Yakima to do some work for WA Fish and Wildlife.  The goal was to put a trail camera near a golden eagles nest.   This is the same thing we did last year on a nest of a different set of birds just down the valley.  There are some photos from that work here.  We did not know if the nest had chicks until we did the long drive on a terrible dirt road to get there.  Once there we found two chicks, and just as importantly, a nest that was not too difficult to get a camera mounted on.  I shot a couple of photos when I was down at the nest.  The female bird was on the nest when we got there, and decided to leave pretty quickly. 

 The two birds in the nest.  There is a piece of food next to them which is what is left of a blue grouse.

Please note that these photos are shot while working directly with the WA Department of Fish and Wildlife under funding from the Woodland Park Zoo.  There is no other reason to go to golden eagles nests since they are very easily disturbed.


One Month in the Life of Golden Eagles in the Nest.

 Last year I worked on a project with Washington Dept. of Fish and Wildlife.  Part of this project involved putting up a wildlife camera on a golden eagles nest.  I have had the photos (all 7000 of them) on my computer ever since and finally decided to look through them and find some of the better ones.  I picked one from each day from when the camera was put up to the day the birds fledged.  It turned out to be almost exactly a month.  All of these photos are property of Wa Department of Fish and Wildlife and are not mine. 



Golden Eagle Nest Photos.

Yesterday I went out to install a camera on a golden eagle nest. There were two chicks and a mother bird sitting in the nest when I rappelled down to the nest. Unfortunately I was not able to get a shot of the momma bird sitting in the nest due to an extremely agitated rattlesnake who I was trying to get past on the way to the nest. Once I got to the nest the two chicks did not present themselves as very good photo subjects, but I did manage to get a couple of photos.

This is the camera set up to look at the nest. Working at golden eagle nests is very difficult due to the location which is often at the base of small overhanging rock areas. This was the second nest I tried to get to, the first one failed due to a large loose block that I was not willing to try and climb past.