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Aldo Leopolds Cabin in the Woods

For the last few days I have been driving across the country in a new vehicle that I bought in Detroit.  I had never driven through Minnesota, or Wisconsin, so I decided to take the northern route across the country.  Most of the time when i travel I do not plan where to stop or what to see, and most of the time this works out.  As I drove through western Wisconsin I decided to stop for lunch at a wildlife area that looked like it had some potential.  I mostly wanted to see a sand hill crane.  I did along with some other birds and an otter(I think).  As I left to get on the road again I ran across the Aldo Leopold Center and decided that there was no way I could pass up this opportunity.  Aldo Leopold of course wrote the book a Sand County Almanac which was one of the first books I read, and one that had a profound influence on me. 

This is the cabin where he wrote his book. 

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